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Murray | Lobb Attorneys - Houston, Texas National Labor Relations Act

Stericycle, Inc. – The NLRB Changed the Rules for Employee Handbooks

Murray | Lobb Attorneys - Houston, Texas Probate Attorney

What Does a Probate Attorney in Texas Do?

Murray | Lobb Attorneys - Houston, Texas Independent Contractor Law

DOL Announces 2024 Final Independent Contractor Rule

Murray | Lobb Attorneys - Houston, Texas Injunctions Restraining Orders Business Law

Temporary Restraining Orders, Temporary Injunctions, and Permanent Injunctions in Texas Law

Murray | Lobb Attorneys - Houston, Texas Shareholders Agreement Business Law

What is a Shareholder Agreement and Does My Company Need One?

Murray | Lobb Attorneys - Houston, Texas Civil Rights Protection Lawyers

What is Undue Hardship? SCOTUS Expands Employee Protections Under Title VII in Groff v. DeJoy

Murray | Lobb Attorneys - Houston, Texas Cookie Disclaimers-Consent

Cookie Disclaimers, Cookie Banners, Cookie Consent: When are You Required to Place a Cookie Notice on Your Website?

Murray | Lobb Attorneys - Houston, Texas Subrogation TX Lawsuit

Subrogation Rights in Texas: When the Insurer Steps into the Shoes of the Insured to File a Lawsuit

Murray | Lobb Attorneys - Houston, Texas TX AG Public Offices Houston Election Law

Texas AG Opinion No. JS-0006: Can an Individual Hold Two Different Public Offices Simultaneously?