
Murray | Lobb Attorneys - Houston, Texas Form Nonprofit Corp Texas

How to Form a Nonprofit Corporation in Texas

Murray | Lobb Attorneys - Houston, Texas Anonymous LLC in Texas

Can You Form an Anonymous LLC in Texas?

Murray | Lobb Attorneys - Houston, Texas Payment Scams Law Firm TX

Prosper Florida, Inc. v. Spicy World of USA, Inc.: Who Bears the Loss When Payment for Goods is Fraudulently Redirected in a Payment Scam?

Murray | Lobb Attorneys - Houston, Texas Buying a Business

Buying a New Company: Conducting Due Diligence

Murray | Lobb Attorneys - Houston, Texas Retainage vs Reserved Funds TX Property

What is the Difference Between “Retainage” and “Reserved Funds” Under the Texas Property Code?

Murray | Lobb Attorneys - Houston, Texas Houston Attorney Law Firm

A Peek at Murray-Lobb Attorneys

Murray | Lobb Attorneys - Houston, Texas Sexual Harassment at Work Laws

Sexual Harassment at Work: How Should Witnesses Respond?

Murray | Lobb Attorneys - Houston, Texas Indep. Contractor Law Businesses

What’s the Difference Between an Independent Contractor and an Employee in Texas and Why Does it Matter for Your Business?

Murray | Lobb Attorneys - Houston, Texas Arbitration for Harassment

Federal Arbitration Act Amended to Prohibit Mandatory Arbitration Agreements for Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Claims

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